Sunday, December 07, 2008


Now, we all LOVE Christmas!! Well, Christmas day. I mean, the presents, the fun, all that kinda stuff. Plus, it's Jesus' birthday!! Oh, and C.J.'s...hahaha, but I just don't know anymore about all the lights and stuff...especially the lights!! They were cool when I really didn't have to do it, but now that I have participated in the untangling of it all, I just want to throw them away and have Christmas without lights. haha! Anyway, I took some pictures so that the 3 people who actually look at my blog can share in our Christmas decorating fun!

Who doesn't have their lights piled out in the hallway floor? Organization my friends! Haha!

And yes, that is Mom and Mike stringing lights across the bushes...white and red...and white...and white...Oh father!

Great stuff...all tangled and messed together...not one dull moment.

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